About Us
The story begins with the dream of two friends who worked together in the moving business. They wanted to start a company of their own, through their hard work and a dedication to serving the customer, their dream became a reality.
Who we are
BG Moving is a fully licensed and insured moving company based in New York and New Jersey.

The BG Moving team knows all about moving. We take pride in offering excellent service at affordable rates. We are equipped to manage any situation with professionalism and courtesy.
With us, you can unwind!

BG Moving & Storage
Our mission
— With years of experience in the moving industry, we have built a reputation for excellence.
Excellent 4.9
Once working with us, customers no longer try another company but become loyal clients.
Why ?
Because, we really care, we don’t overcharge and we deliver what we promised!
We are here to change your idea of moving!